With deep gratitude to our interfaith friends of The Scarboro Missions Interfaith Department in Toronto, Canada, Paul McKenna has given permission for us to share their comprehensive list of interfaith resources. Take a moment to learn about the history of Toronto Interfaith (and a directory of 80 interfaith groups click here), and view or download any of the links free of charge!
"The Scarboro Missions Interfaith Department in Toronto, Canada has committed itself to building a website featuring curriculum and useful educational resources for interfaith work. These resources include online courses, toolkits, best practices, do-it-yourself workshops, activities, multifaith prayer services, how-to-manuals, guidelines, games, starter kits, meditations, Powerpoint, etc. Below, please find lots of these resources.
Our Jewish-Christian relations section which chronicles “Milestones” since Vatican II and biographies of key Jewish and Christian figures in the J-C dialogue: https://www.scarboromissions.ca/interfaith-dialogue/jewish-christian-relations
This link will lead you to one of the most comprehensive collections of Golden Rule educational resources on the planet. Lots of youth content here: https://www.scarboromissions.ca/golden-rule/educational-resources
In this link, you will find a directory of interfaith youth activity in the Toronto area: https://www.scarboromissions.ca/Interfaith_dialogue/interfaith_directory.php
In this link, you will find a directory of interfaith youth activity in the Toronto area: https://www.scarboromissions.ca/Interfaith_dialogue/interfaith_directory.php
Check these links to view or download other resources:
1) To get access to their entire Interfaith Dialogue section
2) To access their entire Golden Rule section
3) Interfaith Curriculum & Do-it-yourself Workshop Outlines
4) Principles & Guidelines for Interfaith Dialogue
5) Do-it-yourself workshop in Multi-faith Sensitivity Training
6) Guidelines for Designing Multifaith Prayer Services
7) Interfaith Curriculum for Peacemaking
8) Interfaith Curriculum for Schools and Youth groups
9) A Six-session Workshop Outline in Jewish-Christian Dialogue
10) Do-it-yourself Golden Rule Workshop Outline
11) Golden Rule Curriculum for Schools and Youth Groups
12) Golden Rule Meditation Exercises
13) Interactive Golden Rule Flash Presentation
14) Green Rule Poster (featuring ecological texts in 14 religions)
15) To view or order the Golden Rule Poster